Requests to Patients during Hospitalization

Prohibition of annoying or dangerous acts

•Patients are requested to have good manners and behave with modesty. Patients who commit acts as listed below, as well as patients who do not follow instructions from staff, will be forced to discharge. The hospital will report to the police when necessary.
•Verbal abuse, violence, sexual harassment, etc. committed on the hospital premises, hindering medical examination and other hospital operations.
•Drinking, smoking, unscrupulous sales activities, religious activities, or political activities on the hospital premises Entering other hospital rooms or beds without reasons, or acts that annoy other patients. (Use earphones when you use TV, radio, etc. in a non-private room)
•Going or staying out without permission.

No smoking on hospital premises
(Including electronic cigarettes) (Including parking lots)

Management of personal belongings and valuables

Patients and their families should manage their personal belongings and valuables by themselves. Our hospital does not take any responsibility in the event of loss, theft or damage.
Bring storage cases to contain denture, glasses, hearing aids, rings, etc. after putting them off, and manage them by yourself.
Although a simple safe is incorporated in the bedside table, it is discouraged to bring valuables and a large amount of cash in order to prevent thefts.
If you bring a large amount of cash for special reasons, consult the ward manager to have it managed by the hospital as deposit money for hospitalization.

Consultation and medication at other facilities

In principle, inpatients at our institution who consult with or receive medication from other medical institutions during their hospitalization are not acceptable.
Nor is it acceptable that family members of inpatients fetch drugs from other medical institutions.
If you want to consult with, or receive medication from, a medical institution other then our hospital during your hospitalization, be sure to consult your attending doctor and/or nurses.