Mission & Policies
- Mission of Tamagawa Hospital:
- Practice and Research in Medicine
- Philosophy of Tamagawa Hospital:
- Contribute to society through pursuit of the best care possible
Action policies at Tamagawa Hospital
Protect the rights of patients, and provide medical service based on a relationship of trust
Endeavor to upgrade the quality of medical care, and provide reliable medical service
Pursue a healthy organization that can fully exercise its medical functions
Develop rich and talented human resources
Rights and responsibilities for the best possible care
Patients have their dignity respected while receiving treatment. Medical care should be pursued through a relationship of trust and responsible cooperation between patients and medical professionals.
Rights of patients
Patients have the right to:
Receive adequate treatment and the best care possible
Know their personal information
Have their privacy protected
Select and make decisions on their own treatment
Tamagawa Hospital observes and respects these rights of patients.
Mutual responsibilities
The best possible care requires both patients and medical professionals to:
Respect each other's personality and rights
Collaborate to support medical care that is practiced through adequate explanation and understanding
Cooperate with each other to ensure a relationship of trust
Tamagawa Hospital confirms these mutual responsibilities and pursues the best care possible.
Ethical policies in clinical practice
We respect the rights, religion and will of patients, and provide adequate treatment and the best care possible.
We respect the privacy of patients, and protect confidentiality and personal Information.
We provide adequate explanations concerning medical care, and offer medical service that respects the therapeutic choices and decisions made by the patient.
We comply with applicable regulations and guidelines in our practice.
We observe Japan's Ethical Guidelines for Clinical Research, Immunologic Research, and Human Genome/Gene Analysis Research; respect the Helsinki Declaration concerning clinical trials; and comply with the MHLW Ordinance on Good Clinical Practice (GCP).
We observe Japan's Maternal Health Act with regard to induced abortion.
We take appropriate care of patients who refuse transfusion due to religious reasons in accordance with the Japanese Guidelines Regarding Religious Refusal of Blood Transfusions.
Our hospital does not perform organ donation services. When a patient has a donor card, and when the patient or the patient's family offers organ donation, our hospital observes the Tamagawa Hospital Policy regarding Organ Transplantation.
We respect the will of the patient concerning the dignity of life (e.g. death with dignity, terminal care, life-prolonging treatment). When a problem arises, treatment policy is determined through deliberation by our Medical Ethics Committee, based on consultation with the patient or the patient's family.
We perform clinical research for the further development of medical care. In medical care practice, adequate review is undertaken by the Medical Ethics Committee.